About Us

Hi! I'm Marcell, the founder of EscapeSpy. I'm an an escape room enthusiast, and I made the site to make it easier to find escape rooms. I used to open a dozen or more tabs on my phone to find an escape room I could do right away. This wasn't a great experience, and I wanted to make something better. I wrote the first version of EscapeSpy to index all the escape rooms in the Bay Area, and crawl their availability. This made it a lot easier to find rooms to do.

Since then, I've worked on expanding EscapeSpy to work in more cities. We crawl escape rooms all across America, and we're expanding to cover international escape rooms as well! My hope is that this site will make escape rooms easier to find and book for all enthusiasts, as well as people new to escape rooms.

I love hearing from users, so if you want to get in touch, please use the chat button, or email me at marcell@escapespy.com.


Need a One-Stop-Shop for Booking an Escape Room? - The Escape Room Guys

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