Suspecting your neighbor is a spy, you and your friends sneak into his home to see what he is up to. As you step inside, an unmistakable sound is heard behind you. The door has slammed shut and you are trapped! You have 60 minutes to gather clues, decipher codes and solve puzzles in order to find the key to unlock the door and escape before the spy returns!
47% escape (based on teams of 8+)
SPY ROOM CHOICES (all rooms are identical but vary in capacity):
San Jose Location - 2131 The Alameda:(next to Bill's Cafe off Hwy 880)
Select 6 tickets to make any room private.
You can pay for additional tickets when you arrive up to the room capacity below:
Room 6 : up to 6 players
Room 8 : up to 10 players
Room 10 : up to 12 players -contact us for larger groups up to 14
Room 12 : up to 14 players
Up to 50 tickets available to run 4 SPY Rooms simultaneously. Email to reserve.