This room was hardly created, but rather cursed upon us. There is something eerie in the musty air, and many of us chose not to enter after dark. We are not entirely sure what tragedies have befallen the angry soul that haunts this room, but we pay homage to his victims in a name - Sully. Sully’s haunted cabin is a tribute to a man lost to us, and the puzzles are sort of an epitaph.
Our dear friend Sully was doing work in the room for us, alone, and suffered a strange number of injuries. What’s more, he left his work slightly disturbed. We are not quite sure what had overcome his mind, but he walked away silently. Now all that is left in the room are the strange symbols he has left behind to communicate to us how he managed to escape the grasp of the ghost, though not unharmed. The last thing he told us was that you must escape within 45 minutes or the ghost will torment your mind as he torments Sully. Don’t let us lose you, too.
Intermediate to Expert Level Room - Max 8 Participants