July 20th, 1969 the height of the cold war: the global race to put a man on the moon is afoot.
NASA has been hard at work to fulfill President Kennedy’s promise to step foot on the moon, but it’s just not going to happen for at least another 2 years. The CIA has informed us that Russia is hot on our heels and may even win the space race as early as next year. That would be a disaster for the United States.
The CIA along with NASA have begun Operation Icefall to convince the world that man really had stepped on the moon by faking it with advanced filming techniques.
We have just been informed that a Russian spy has infiltrated and killed the inner-circle of Operation Icefall in an attempt to sabotage the Apollo Program. With only an hour until man is set to step on the moon, it’s now up to you, and the rest of your team of videographers to go through the NASA’s production notes and pull off the biggest hoax in history before the world finds out and our nation is humiliated.