Th3 C0D3
Escapology Covington, 3025 Pinnacle Parkway, Covington, Louisiana 70433
2-2 players
Duration: 60 minutes
Difficulty: Intermediate

What would happen if the worlds most talented hacker went back in time to 2009 taking with him the knowledge, skills and tools of today? No need to guess. Nitro, the most notorious hacker in the world has just illegally changed the timeline we all know from the comfort of his old college apartment. He has managed to hack over 100 million bank accounts in 2009 totaling over 4.3 trillion dollars. The financial collapse that happens shortly after his hack is only the beginning. World War 3 shortly follows sending the world into Armageddon. Do you have what it takes to save humanity from Nitro? Beware of his traps! Note: If you are looking to book up to 8 people in a room, please book your game for 6 participants and just pay for the additional 2 when you arrive. If you have more than 8 people, we strongly advise you to split the group into two rooms.

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