Lights Out at the Museum: Art with a Twist
Encryption Escape
Savannah, GA, USA

Rates Adults - $30 Minors (Under 18) - $25 (Must be accompanied by a paying adult. We don't allow children ages 5 and under at our facility.) Seniors (65 & Over) - $25 College Students (Must show current ID) - $25 Military (Must show current ID) - $25 Show Us Your Badge (Must show convention badge) - $25 Film Perks Pass (Must show pass) - $25 About The FBI is investigating a late night art heist where they have discovered the thief is still in the museum! The heist must be solved before the arrival of a huge crowd at the museum's unveiling of a new painting. The security guard tells you strange occurrences have been happening, including lights dimming and galleries being plunged into darkness. As you review the security footage, the guard explains that the stolen painting was the museum's most popular. Suddenly a shadow moves across the footage, and the painting disappears! You now have one hour to find the thief or whatever that shadow was before the museum's curator arrives. That is unless the lights go out, and then who knows what might happen!

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