The Alcatraz
Lille Strandstræde 20, 1254 København, Denmark
3-7 players
Duration: 75 minutes

DK: I er spærret inde på dødsgangen i det berømte Alcatraz-fængsel. Fængslet er kendt for at være umuligt at flygte fra, så det vil kræve jeres ypperste evner indenfor gådeløsning, samarbejde og snedighed at flygte. Arbejd sammen, undersøg fængslet og undslip jeres undergang. UK: You are imprisoned in Alcatraz, awaiting your execution on Death Row. The prison was built to be impossible to escape from, but rumours persist that someone once escaped, and left behind clues as to how they did it. You have to solve riddles, cooperate, crack codes, and escape Alcatraz forever. Private 500 + 150 per person - Corporate 500 + 200 per person (Extra time and supplies)

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