Treasure of the Empire
1627 Industrial Pkwy W, Hayward, CA, US

In World War II, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler carefully organized a special army whose only task was to loot occupied countries of their valuable treasures. Castles, palaces, and museums were wiped out. These collections would later come to be known as "imperial treasures." After generations, these "imperial treasures" are divided "eight pieces", with Hitler of course receiving the largest share. His vault, built in 1938 at Lashitaner, was nicknamed "Wolfenstein." Groups will be divided into Axis and Allies Powers to compete with each other. whoever solving more puzzles wins. Goals: Detective group: After the time travel from the tomb, we landed inside Wolfenstein. We cannot find where professor Geoffrey is. However, The allies have surrounded here and they start attacking whoever is inside here. We must escape using the secret passage according to a book that Geoffrey left us. Allies: Your squadron has stumbled across Wolfenstein. You must sneak in to the main vault to recapture the priceless treasures. Time is limited, so you must act now!

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