I enjoyed this room quite a bit. The puzzles were really easy and linear, but they were well executed and added to the flavor. Important props were frequently medieval weapons which was incredibly entertaining and unique. I also liked how it was spooky thematically while not ever trying to scare you. This would be a perfect room for kids, and still entertaining for adults.
The environment was very interesting, but also it's greatest downside. I had no issues having to frequently crawl and duck under things, and the smoke machines were fun, but for many that might be a turn-off. The biggest problem for me was that many parts of the room were slightly too small for me to stand up straight. I'm 6'2" and for the first half of the room I had to crouch while the rest of my party was able to stand up straight. There were a few parts that were made to be crouched in or crawled through, so all together I spent maybe 25% of my time able to stand up.