Red Door Escape Room (Southlake)
280 Commerce St #285, Southlake, TX 76092, USA
1-8 players
Duration: 60 minutes
Difficulty: Hard - 10% Escape Rate

A mission worker has heard rumors of the very particular set of skills that you’ve acquired over a very long career of escaping. She seeks your aid in the rescue of a girl who has become the victim of human trafficking. To do this, your group will initially split in 2 to infiltrate the hotel where the girl is being forced to work and then find a way to rescue her before someone becomes suspicious of your activities.

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I think rooms where the party starts out separated can be fun, but it requires a good means of communication, even distribution of puzzles between the two rooms, and well designed puzzles that can be easily described. Unfortunately, I don't feel this escape room had any of those in its favor. The room got much better when the two groups merged but while separated it was rather frustrating.
Two teams (for us - two people on each team) and you are "locked" in two different rooms. You must communicate with each other in order to complete some of the puzzles to get out of the separate rooms and meet in a common room.
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